Mycryptobank ICO Review — The World’s First Legal Cryptocurrency Bank - cryptocurrency world


Friday, September 7, 2018

Mycryptobank ICO Review — The World’s First Legal Cryptocurrency Bank

MyCryptoBank — is an online bank allowing any client registered in the electronic bank system to make a full range of bank operations, additional operations with cryptocurrency (payment processing, debit cards, credits and cheap investment products, use of cryptoassets as credit security and many others) based on Blockchain technology without visit of department. So, MyCryptoBank provides services of client’s remote access to accounts, products and bank services in order to make banking operations. MyCryptoBank offers its clients a multifunctional platform of banking service, which represents a hybrid system combining digital and traditional currencies. The use of digital currencies makes operations faster and cheaper, while traditional currencies guarantee practically all-round acceptance and validity. One account combination allows clients simultaneously using advantages of both types of currencies.

Ico Rating


High fees : Due to excessive intermediaries, traditional banks impose high fees on cross-banking and international wire transfers.
Long-awaited transfers : Bank transfers are based on several centralized nodes that often leads to slow transactions processing.
Territorial Limitations : Traditional banks are fenced by country boundaries.
Currency Barriers : Banks work only with classical currencies and do not allow to store and pay in crypto.


Low Fees : Blockchain platform allows to get rid of intermediaries and minimize transfer fees.
Instant Transfers : The decentralized platform can process more than 100,000 transactions per second and perform operations with a speed of 0.01 seconds.
No Territorial Limits : Сryptocurrencies do not depend on county boundaries.
No Currency Limitations : MyCryptoBank is friendly to all fiat and cryptocurrencies. It is possible to store, to pay in cryptocurrencies, to conduct transfers and to take loans.

Featured Products

A Payment Ring is an analogy of contactless cards, integrated into the payment system of the bank and allowing to conduct payments similar to a bank card. To make a payment, it is enough to bring the ring to the payment terminal and the necessary amount will be deducted. It is also possible to pay online: each payment ring has an assigned number, validity period, and CVV code. The rings are durable and waterproof.


Multi-Digital Cards

A Multi-Digital Card is a full-grade replacement for ordinary plastic cards. They allow you to connect several cards at once: debit, credit, discount, gift cards or even cards to a fitness club, etc. In other words, they can connect to any card that has a BARcode or built-in EMV chip. As Multi-Digital Cards are the same size as traditional cards it is possible to use them for cash withdrawals.

Ico Details

Token Name : Mycryptobank
Token Symbols: Mcb
Price : 1 Mcb 0.2 S / D 0.48 Usd
Minimum Purchase : 50 Usd
Token Algorithm : Eos
Support : Eos
Accept : Eth, Btc, Eos, Ltc, Usd, Bch
Soft Cap : 3,000,000 Usd
Hard Cap : 100,000,000 Usd
Supply Token : 517.000.000
Supply Of Total Token : 795.500.000
Kyc : Yes
Pra Ico : Start 16 July 2018
Pra Ico : Ended 16 August 2018
Ico Star : t 11 September 2018
Ico Ended : 14 October 2018

Token Distribution



ViPlat company foundation


Purchase of Forex trade terminal


5000 payment terminals installed.
Contract with liquidity provider signed for direct access to interbank market


Commissioning of own payment system
Development of software – informational complex for
payment processing, with the capacity of 20 thousand
payment processing per minute



MCB project concept developed

1 BIT OU Company registered


Start of the trader personal
account development.
Document submitted for
license for turnover and
storage of cryptocyrrencies
and cyber values.


License for turnover and storageof cryptocurrencies and cybervalues granted:
Provider of services for cyber values exchange to monetary (fiduciary) assets
Provider of services for cyber values wallet
Completed development and launch of own crypto-exchange



Arrangement of ICO Presale


MVP MyCryptoBank Wallet
(mobile crypto bank)
Implementation of crypto-exchange
MyCryptoBank service


Start of MCB trading
in exchanges


Obtain payment license
EMI license obtained
(license for e-money emission)
Merchant billing system implemented



Implementation of crypto-terminals with functions of fiduciary money intake and exchange of crypto currencies
MCB payment rings production
Start of MCB bank cards issue with the partner-banks
Implementation of payment multi cards with optional use as cold crypto currency wallet


Company partnership in SWIFT
Implementation of EPC Rulebook for financial operations in Euro zone
Implementation of technology for users identification by biometrics data
Broker license obtained
Launch of currency, indexes and futures trading in Forex market


International banking license of B type obtained in Cayman islands
Implementation of MCB crypto-ATM for withdrawal and depositing of fiduciary assets
Launch of crypto-currency acquiring service


Launch of Р2Р-loan system in MCB mobile bank

Receipt of additional license for banking operations with crypto currencies
Implementation of MCB users crediting in crypto currencies
Expansion of crypto АТМ network
Implementation of consultancy and legal service rendering, including taxation
Start of bank deposits service rendering


Crowdsale Terms



Agenda of Upcoming Events

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